Q: Why do I need to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to access to the SoccerNet videos?

A: The videos of the games provided in SoccerNet contains copyright. The NDA is a contract between the users and the providers to prevent the re-distribution of copyright materials.

Q: Can I train my own model with the SoccerNet dataset?

A: Of course! We invite you to train models on the SoccerNet dataset, and if you end up publishing a paper, please cite our work!

Q: Is it fine to include screenshots/clips of the soccer videos in research papers/presentations?

A: Yes, as long as you are refering to the source of your data, you can include screenshots/clips of the videos in research papers/presentations.

Q: Can I use the data from SoccerNet for commercial purposes?

A: No. The SoccerNet dataset is meant for research purposes, it is not intended for commercial purposes. The videos of SoccerNet contains copyright that belongs to each European leagues, if you want to a create a business around soccer video understand, you will have to collect your own videos. The SoccerNet team cannot facilitate this process for you.

Q: Can I use the algorithms developed by the SoccerNet team for commercial purposes?

A: Each algorithm has its own licence, please visit the github repository and read the license to understand the limitation of the usage for each algorithms.

Q: Can you clarify the data usage during the challenge period?


1. On the restriction of private datasets and additional annotations

SoccerNet is designed to be a research-focused benchmark, where the primary goal is to compare algorithms on equal footing. This ensures that the focus remains on algorithmic innovation rather than data collection or annotation effort. Therefore:

2. On cleaning or correcting existing data

We recognize that publicly available datasets, including SoccerNet datasets, might have imperfections in their labels (around 5% usually). Cleaning or correcting these labels is allowed outside of the challenge period to ensure fairness:

3. Defining “private datasets”

A dataset is considered “private” if it is not publicly accessible to all participants under the same conditions. For example:

4. Creative use of public data

We fully support leveraging older publicly available SoccerNet data in creative and automated ways, as long as:

5. Data sharing timeline:

To ensure fairness, we decided that any new data must be published or shared with all participants through Discord at least one month before the challenge deadline. This aligns with the CVsports workshop timeline and allows all teams to retrain their methods on equal footing.