2022 Challenges
Field Localization 2022
This challenge on the field localization task is the first edition. It will be sponsored by EVS Broadcast Equipments, with a 500$ prize. Feel free to check out our github repository on the subject, as well as the challenge rules and the evaluation server.
Camera Calibration 2022
This challenge on the camera calibration task is the first edition. It will be sponsored by EVS Broadcast Equipments, with a 500$ prize. Feel free to check out our github repository on the subject, as well as the challenge rules and the evaluation server.
Player Tracking 2022
This challenge on the tracking task is the first edition. It will be sponsored by Baidu Research, with a 1000$ prize. Feel free to check out our github repository on the subject, as well as the challenge rules and the evaluation server.
Re-Identification 2022
This challenge on the re-identification task is the first edition. It will be sponsored by Synergy Sports, a division by SportRadar, with a 1000$ prize. Feel free to check out our github repository on the subject, as well as the challenge rules and the evaluation server.
Action Spotting 2022
This challenge on the action spotting task is the second edition. It will be presented at the ActivityNet workshop at CVPR 2022 and is sponsored by Synergy Sports, a division by SportRadar, with a 500$ prize. Feel free to check out our github repository on the subject, as well as the challenge rules and the evaluation server.
Replay Grounding 2022
This challenge on the replay grounding task is the second edition. It will be presented at the ActivityNet workshop at CVPR 2022 and is sponsored by Synergy Sports, a division by SportRadar, with a 500$ prize. Feel free to check out our github repository on the subject, as well as the challenge rules and the evaluation server.