Downloading our data
We provide a pip package to easily download the data, including all videos, images and labels for our different tasks.
Feel free to check out our python package: SoccerNet and install it with simple python commands. Here are the steps to take before any download:
Broadcast Videos
Data format
500 + 50 broadcast videos in .mkv at 25 fps and 720p or 224p resolution
To download the videos, please first fill in this NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) form.
Download commands
Video features at 2 frames per second
Data format
Pre-trained features extracted from the broadcast videos at 2 frames per second
Download commands
Action and replay Images
Data format
Images of some actions from the action spotting annotations and the same moment in their corresponding replays
Download commands
Action spotting labels
Data format
Action spots on the 500 broadcast videos for the action spotting task
Download commands
Replay grounding labels
Data format
Camera shots on the 500 broadcast videos for the replay grounding task
Download commands
Calibration data and labels
Data format
Line segments on the action and replay images for the camera calibration tasks
Download commands
Re-identification data and labels
Data format
Player correspondances on the action and replay images for the re-identification task